Bday Celebration

Assalamualaikum dear,

17th's my bday folks...tinggal setahun je lagi before i masuk 3series..huhu..cepatnye times fly..tak tercapai angan2 mase muda2 dlu nk kawen before 30...kecewa plak sbb angan2 musnah...Dh ditentukan belum smpai lg jodoh, jd redha jela..

Actually, sdey gile kelmarin coz Mr. is tertdo & x terjage nk wish my bday sharp on 12 o'clock..huhu..mmg nampak la x romantik nye die kn??mayb bcoz i nie species manja gile so bnde yg rse nye kcik mcm nie pon leh sedey..hihi..bgn pg2 br Mr. Is wish happy bday & say sorry...

We go out & celebrate my bday kat OU..first Mr. Is bawak i makan kat restoran 'The Garden'..first time makan kat sini..memang xdela demand sgt kat Mr. Is bawak restaurant yg mahal2 mcm TGI
Friday ke Chilli's ke Bubba Gump ke...just nk mkn kat tempat yg bkn our ordinary dining places
la..suke decor kedai nie.. I mkn burger je coz food yg i order at the first place dh habis plak..sebab
pwot pon meragam, pesan jela burger.. memang sedap...Nie la gmbar restaurant & foods yg we both ordered..

Garden Restaurant
Our food... :-) food review : semua nye sedap...

me ;-)
After that, we went to Parkson, Aeon & Isetan..Mr. Is nk i choose sendiri ape yg i nak for my bday 
present..i said i want either a handbag or dress/gaun for my bday..Mr. Is prefer handbag as  i ade satu
je handbag yg i selalu bawak g kje..ade handbag sembonia dlu, tp since i pki ipad i bg that handbag to my sister..xmuat ipad kt dlm handbag tu..Berkenan kat handbag Guess, tp yg new arrival jugakla yg i
jatuh chenta..kesian plak kt Mr. Is..i usha2 hndbag yg ade less & discount, setelah berjalan dr
old wing ke new wing & patah balik ke old wing, we decided to buy this handbag for may bday present..price nye under budget Mr. Is..Alhamdulillah...

yeay... my bday present =)

Next mission is, ice cream cake for my bday cake..& of course la klu ice cream cake tempat yg menjadi destinasi adalah Baskin Robbin.. :-) yeay...Mr. Is sgt la baik hati nk bg gak ice cream cake even i dh ckp kat die yg i x kisah kalau die nk belanje cupcakes 'wondermilk' je..chenta hati i treat me with a heart shape cake.. So sweeeet.... hihi. Luv him..

cute sgt...syg nk makan

the budday gurl yg comot..hihi


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